
Who powers this project.

We recognize that this project, as a crowdsourced initiative, is not possible without the support of people. This works out well, since people are a very key part of our goals.

When we think about people, we try to keep an open mind, wanting to lower barriers to participation so that even those who are skeptical have the opportunity to contribute or share their thoughts and ideas.

"There is one body that knows more than anybody, and that is everybody." - Talleyrand

While we offer the option for people to be recognized as Contributors, we recognize that not everyone will want this recognition, either by name or pseudonym. People, it turns out, have many different preferences, which makes all of this that much more messy and fun.

If this idea of people beign at the center of our project intrigues you, be sure to check out Learning and Ethics, as those sections are very human-centric

Last updated